New Leak Sparks Hype for RL Sideswipe

Posted 23rd October 2021 by FinRL

Hype is building for Rocket League Sideswipe's upcoming release, and thanks to Graphyx at Rocket League Sideswipe France, we've discovered some game screenshots and even some footage of the upcoming beta! The leak comes from Rufio Jones' Artstation account, where he shared "A (small) collection of screens and menus I got to work on along Psyonix for Rocket League: Sideswipe" 19 days ago, going undetected until now. You can view the original leak here, but later in this article I will be dissecting the screenshots for new information never previously known about the update.

Image 1: Main Menu

Image of the RLSS Beta main menu

The most apparent difference between the new menu and the beta is the new options and buttons, and completely redesigned layout. The menu buttons have been moved to the bottom, where a PARTY MATCH button has been added, likely only showing because the player seems to currently be in a party. The player profile has switched with these buttons to be at the top, but aside from a visual overhaul doesn't seem to be too different. One important note to make is that there are currently 4 people in the party, but the plus icon is still there, which means we may indeed find a 3v3 Chaos mode in Sideswipe, which was leaked by iFireMonkey who was sifting through the game files on launch day. As well as this, there is a button called SHOP, which could likely be an item shop, like in Rocket League. This makes sense since the alpha had no in-app purchases, and the free game needs some form of monetisation.

Next up, there's the SIGN IN TO UNLOCK CHALLENGES. These leaks seem to indicate accounts will be accessed over Apple/Google accounts with the option to login via Epic Games, and this button supports that. Challenges may be a form of achievements to link with your Epic Games account, or maybe they are like normal Rocket League challenges, just hidden behind the Epic Games account as an incentive to login.

While the MYSTERY ITEM menu seems to still exist, a SIGN IN BONUS is also present, offering the player 500 of an unknown golden G coin currency, and the Atomizer goal explosion. Once again, this feature looks to be locked because an Epic Games account, but this also confirms garages between Rocket League and RLSS will be separate, since giving an Atomizer for free would be terrible for the RL economy if the two were linked. While this is unfortunate that we won't be able to use our decked-out Rocket League cars, this does open the opportunity to a whole new trading community and marketplace, which I'm actually working on for this website! There is also an unknown loading icon below the settings button, but this could reasonably be anything.

Image 2: Gamemodes

Image of RLSS Beta gamemodes

Next up is this screenshot showing the completely redesigned gamemode menu. First up, the title for this UI is COMPETITIVE PLAY, hinting at the possibility of casual playlists as well. In the previous screenshot, the there is a PLAY button, so there is the chance there is another page in between these, but there is no way of knowing for sure.

The only visible rank is the player sitting at Gold 5 in doubles, which confirms Psyonix will continue with their ranks going 1-5 instead of 1-3 like Rocket League. The hoops playlist is locked until the player reaches level 15, and since the player hasn't played and duel, it would appear doubles is the first mode you can play. The season looks to end in 45 days, so with the 19-day offset since the screenshots were posted, there is a slight chance that the game could even release in the middle of November. Of course once again, this could just be dummy text, and even if it were real, there is no reason for the team to release the game according to an arbitrary development season date.

The biggest piece of information from this screenshot is the sliver of another gamemode off to the right of hoops. All we can see from the image a small amount of a Merc identical to the one in the hoops backdrop. We can only speculate what this mode may be, but is does indeed point to Rocket League Sideswipe getting a new competitive playlist added for beta.

Image 3: Login Page

Image of RLSS Beta login page

This screenshot does not contain anything especially new when considering the other screenshots, but it does contain a little information. Firstly, it shows that Epic Games account players get login bonuses, the option to party up, and most interestingly level up rewards. The icon from this should look familiar for alpha players, as it was what was used for the alpha rocket pass, which in the same fashion as Rocket League, rewarded the player free items as they level up. The reason I say this part is interesting is that the main menu screenshot has no link to a rocket pass of sorts. Maybe this is what the mysterious loading spot was below the settings button? When first starting up Rocket League, the rocket pass button is not visible, so it could just be this, then again the user is already in a party.

Funnily enough, according to this screenshot, you need to login with Epic to party up, but the first screenshot showed the user in a party while not logged in the Epic. As well as this, no other players show on the field, so maybe the additional players in the party are just a UI feature not tied to the actual game during the screenshot.

Finally… The GIF!

GIF of RLSS Beta solo menu selection

This GIF has a lot to unpack, but is certainly the most interactive of the assets leaked. One important note I should make about it is that this is likely not game footage, since the confetti in the background does not move, and the user is moving a cursor around. Games are obviously developed on computers, so this is not a leak for a PC release.

At the start, it shows a new redesigned look to the current menu we all know from the alpha with freeplay, exhibition, and tutorial options. However, things change when the user clicks on exhibition and is greeted to a completely different user experience. For starters, the options pop out from the side instead of being an entirely separate page, and while the options are not new on this page, when they click on the arena button, things get exciting.

While there is no reference to a jungle map also leaked by iFireMonkey, it does contain the usual Shortstack, S.C. Field, and Dunk House. During alpha, the developers were openly talking about their issues with the Shortstack and S.C. Field maps being different shapes and the possibility of one being removed, so it's good to see both are still coming to the game. The most exciting part of this however is the existence of a fourth map, known as Rally Courts. While the backdrop for this mode still shows the dunk house, this is just a placeholder since the rally courts image obviously hadn't been created/added to the UI yet. Now, let's think about what the name "rally courts" could entail…

When you Google rally courts, at least for me, it comes up with nearby tennis courts. Now a tennis court is a court separated by a net in the middle, and you know what else is played on a court with a net in the middle, and has a long history of interest from Rocket League? Volleyball. There is no direct proof of this being the case, however the name rally court and the existence of a fourth unknown competitive mode does make the idea pretty convincing. It is only speculation, but I personally strongly believe this will be the case.


So yes, this leak is very exciting! Below I will make a quick dot-point summary of what was covered just in case you missed any of the big points. Once again, huge thanks have to go out to Graphyx for finding these assets and sharing them with everyone. If you are excited for RLSS and speak French, or just want to keep up with RLSS info, be sure to join his Discord server here.

  • Major UI improvements
  • New competitive gamemode and map (rally court), which may be volleyball
  • Challenges and sign-in bonuses for Epic Games account players
  • Item shop will likely be added
  • Rocket League and Rocket League Sideswipe items will not be shared
  • Gamemodes will be locked based on XP level

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